Pelaksanaan Analisis Pemberian Kredit Di PT. Bank Haga Cabang Semarang, Nani Triwahyuniati, Tesis, Program Magister Kenotariatan Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, Tahun 2008.
Analisis kredit merupakan penilaian terhadap suatu permohonan kredit (baik permohonan kredit baru, perpanjangan/pembaharuan, maupun restrukturisasi) layak atau tidak untuk disalurkan kepada Debitur. Ada beberapa prinsip-prinsip penilaian kredit yang sering dilakukan yaitu dengan analisis 5 C’s yaitu : Penilaian Watak (Character), Penilaian Kemampuan (Capacity), Penilaian terhadap modal (Capital), Penilaian terhadap agunan (Collateral), dan Penilaian terhadap prospek usaha nasabah debitur (condition of economy).
Analysis Implementation of the Credit Providing in PT. Bank Haga Semarang Branch, Nani Triwahyuniati, thesis, Master’s Degree Program of Notary of Diponegoro University, Semarang, Year 2008.
The credit analysis is an evaluation upon the credit appealing (either new credit appealing, the extension/renewing, or restructuring) upon the appropriateness of the debtor. There are several credit evaluation principles that are often completed. They are 5 C’s, which are: the evaluation of character, capacity, capital, collateral, and the debtor’s condition of economy.
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Pelaksanaan Analisis Pemberian Kredit Di PT. Bank Haga Cabang Semarang, Nani Triwahyuniati, Tesis, Program Magister Kenotariatan Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, Tahun 2008.
Analisis kredit merupakan penilaian terhadap suatu permohonan kredit (baik permohonan kredit baru, perpanjangan/pembaharuan, maupun restrukturisasi) layak atau tidak untuk disalurkan kepada Debitur. Ada beberapa prinsip-prinsip penilaian kredit yang sering dilakukan yaitu dengan analisis 5 C’s yaitu : Penilaian Watak (Character), Penilaian Kemampuan (Capacity), Penilaian terhadap modal (Capital), Penilaian terhadap agunan (Collateral), dan Penilaian terhadap prospek usaha nasabah debitur (condition of economy).
Analysis Implementation of the Credit Providing in PT. Bank Haga Semarang Branch, Nani Triwahyuniati, thesis, Master’s Degree Program of Notary of Diponegoro University, Semarang, Year 2008.
The credit analysis is an evaluation upon the credit appealing (either new credit appealing, the extension/renewing, or restructuring) upon the appropriateness of the debtor. There are several credit evaluation principles that are often completed. They are 5 C’s, which are: the evaluation of character, capacity, capital, collateral, and the debtor’s condition of economy.
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